
Win Benefit Goodies

Want to get your hands on some free Benefit goodies? Try your luck on pass the parcel… Over at Feel Unique right now, you can play a game of pass the parcel and you can win some Benefit goodies. You can only play once a day but remember to check back everyday. Click here to […]

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Free Benefit Eyelash Primer

Want to get your hands on a free Benefit eyelash primer? Now you can, a whole 9 weeks before you can buy it in store! Elle magazine will be giving away a free Benefit eyelash primer with their magazine from 29th October. I THINK the magazine is priced at £4, but I will find out […]

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Elle Subscription With They’re Real Free Gift

OMG! This is my favourite deal this month so far!!  Subscribe to 12 issues of Elle magazine for only £18 PLUS you get free  Benefit They’re Real Mascara (This is abso amazing – I use this and wouldn’t use anything else since trying it) Benefit They’re Real Eyeliner Benefit They’re Real Remover You will also […]

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