
Five foods you shouldn’t be feeding your children

Five foods you shouldn’t be feeding your children With new studies being released every day, it can be confusing knowing what you should or shouldn’t be feeding your children. We have rounded up five of the worst offenders to steer clear of. Do these studies and research help us or are they too intrusive and […]

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Three unique hobbies for your children to try

Three unique hobbies for your children to try It is becoming increasingly common for people to pursue their passions as a career. I enjoy saving money so when I was made redundant I made Ashleigh Money Saver as a hobby to keep me busy, it turned out to be a huge success so I took […]

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Benefits of playing games with your children

Benefits of playing games with your children We all know that children love to play but actively playing with your children, rather than just leaving them to their own devices, can have an extremely positive impact on their development. This is the case throughout their childhood too, not just in their younger years. Improve numeracy […]

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Free Little Dish Meal

Free Little Dish Meal This promotion ran last year and it was very popular. I got one of the meals for my daughter and she really enjoyed it, it is way of trying new kids meals without having to pay out and waste your money if they don’t like the food. Little Dish is offering […]

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The problem with chicken pox parties

The problem with chicken pox parties There’s a new sort of party doing the rounds, and it won’t be one where you come away with a goody bag and a slice of cake. In fact, you may come away with something a little more undesirable – but for some parents, that’s what makes them the […]

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Putting up with the pain of pester power

Putting up with the pain of pester power You’ve either seen it, commented on it, or been part of it. It’s pester power – the small child who wants something right now, and won’t take no for an answer. It usually ends in meltdown for either child or parent, and it’s commonly seen in shops […]

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The sneaky virus that is slapped cheek syndrome

The sneaky virus that is slapped cheek syndrome If you’ve got a school aged child, something you may have heard of is “Slapped Cheek Syndrome”. Don’t worry, there’s no violence involved – just a virus. Slapped Cheek gets its name from the most obvious symptom of infection – a bright red rash which appears on […]

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Imaginary friends: should parents be concerned?

Imaginary friends: should parents be concerned? It can be quite a shock to parents when a new member of the family suddenly arrives; one who seems to deserve extra food treats, who takes the blame for all that’s wrong or who has to join in with every family outing. It marks the arrival of the […]

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5 top tips to help your child make friends

5 top tips to help your child make friends It’s every parent’s fear – their child is lonely and nobody wants to play with them. They seem to have no friends. While you can’t make friends for your children, you can support them in the process of friendship building. Here is some all-round parenting advice […]

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How to ensure your children are safe on their phone or tablet

How to ensure your children are safe on their phone or tablet The age at which children have access to a smartphone or tablet is dropping fast as they become a normal part of family life. Even games consoles – devices that parents think are safe such as the Nintendo 3DS and PlayStation Vita – […]

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How to cope with fussy eaters

How to cope with fussy eaters Whether this is ongoing or they are going through a faze, this should help make it a little easier. Whether children refuse specific types of foods or certain meals, fussy eating is a common occurrence amongst youngsters. For parents, mealtimes can turn into stressful affairs, and over time they […]

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How to get your children to sleep better

How to get your children to sleep better Getting children to go to bed and sleep through the night is one of the most common issues in parenting. Yet by following a few techniques and essential all round parenting advice, a good night’s sleep for your child needn’t be difficult to achieve. Here are some […]

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How to encourage your toddler to talk

How to encourage your toddler to talk My daughter could talk for England, she even talks in her sleep! She started talking pretty fast, whereas my son took a little longer to start talking. Every child develops at a different rate, and it’s easy to worry about when your toddler should be talking. If you’re […]

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