
Is Harry Potter Go on the way?

Is Harry Potter Go on the way? Harry Potter fans you may be in luck! Harry Potter fans are calling for their own version of the popular Pokemon Go. Pokemon Go allows you to use the GPS on your phone or tablet and you collect Pokemon characters. While not everyone is a fan, it does […]

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How a digital shutdown can help your child concentrate at school

How a digital shutdown can help your child concentrate at school The digital takeover has well and truly arrived. Most children will possess a smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer, and in many cases, they will use each of these at least once a day. Digital devices such as these can be helpful when used […]

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The role of pocket money in teaching responsible money management

The role of pocket money in teaching responsible money management Debt is on the increase, and this generation of children is growing up with a different perspective on money than any preceding generation. Pay day loans, mortgage rates and credit cards are all part of daily advertising, and money is, apparently, readily available to meet […]

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How to make your kids supermarket superstars

How to make your kids supermarket superstars Very few parents relish the thought of heading out to the supermarket with young kids in tow. You can be as organised as you like, with your shopping list in your pocket, and your trolley coin ready for the ubiquitous wrestle to release the trolley, but if your […]

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Helping a child deal with bereavement

Helping a child deal with bereavement At some point in a child’s life, they’re likely to experience the death of a loved one, most usually a grandparent or a pet. Understanding death can be hard for a child, and how they react or cope often depends on their age. With all round parenting advice, support […]

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Getting the kids to read right!

Getting the kids to read right! E-reading devices have killed the book! The book is dead – long live the book! With the advent of Kindle and the e-reader – along with smartphones, iPads, Tablets and so on – the distinct pleasure of reading books looked set to join dining with dinosaurs as something kids […]

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How to prepare your child for starting school

How to prepare your child for starting school Most parents in Britain now know which primary schools their children will be attending and, for many of us, this has thrown into stark focus the reality of sending our babies off into the big bad world. It can feel daunting enough for us adults; just imagine […]

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Should your children be on YouTube and Twitch?

Should your children be on YouTube and Twitch? Among the many features of modern PC or video console gaming is the ability for players to record their gameplay and upload it to YouTube, or even livestream it to a watching global audience on services like Twitch. While a few ambitious youngsters are already making small […]

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Helping kids cope with parental divorce

Helping kids cope with parental divorce Experts reckon that over 40% of marriages end in divorce, with many children every year experiencing their parents splitting up. It can be an unsettling time for children of any age, and getting all round parenting advice at this time will be more important than ever. Breaking the news […]

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Primary school warn parents over ‘paedophile ring’

Primary school warn parents over ‘paedophile ring’ The text warnings have so far been sent to 3 schools. What kind of world are our children having to grown up in? It breaks my heart to think there are youngsters out there suffering at the hands of these monsters! Now three primary Schools have issued warnings […]

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Mother stopped from breastfeeding in Mothercare

Mother stopped from breastfeeding in Mothercare During National Breastfeeding week too! National Breastfeeding week is a campaign which is supported by Mothercare, bringing awareness to breastfeeding and offering support to breastfeeding mothers. Mother Clare Shaw sat down in her local Mothercare store when a member of staff approached her and asked her if she would […]

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Mum who pierces babies’ ears for £10 accused of child abuse!

Mum who pierces babies’ ears for £10 accused of child abuse! There has been another backlash surrounding parents who allow their babies to get their ears pierced. I have heard from you a lot in the past about this debate. Some of you guys think it is harmless as the younger the child is then […]

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Term-time holiday court cases dropped

Term-time holiday court cases dropped A BBC investigation has found a number of councils have now dropped court cases, is this good news? You may remember the court case of father, Jon Platt, who refused to pay a fine after taking his daughter on a family holiday during term time. The court ruled that Jon was […]

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Should smoking be banned in playgrounds and parks?

Should smoking be banned in playgrounds and parks? A mother has started a petition regarding this… Mother Annie Dressner was in a public park with her daughter when a woman started smoking near her daughter. This act inspired Annie to start the petition to ban smoking in playgrounds and parks. Smoking is currently banned in enclosed […]

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