
This school has come up with the BEST idea…

This school has come up with the BEST idea… It is going to help parents save a fortune and avoid holiday fines! Chiddingstone Primary School near Tunbridge Wells in Kent has decided to add 20 minutes onto every school day. The reason? Because of the longer school days, pupils can take TWO WEEKS holiday during […]

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Free Lego Magazine

Do you have a Lego obsessed child? I know I do and he would love a free Lego magazine! When you sign up to the free Lego Club you will receive a free Lego magazine in the post. Considering most kids magazines set you back around £3.99 now (which is far too expensive in my […]

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Fined or jailed for posting photos of your kids on Facebook

Fined or jailed for posting photos of your kids on Facebook This can actually happen in France but should it happen here in the UK? According to the French government’s notoriously strict privacy laws, parents could be slapped with thousands of pounds in fines – or even a prison term – for posting any intimate […]

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BREAKING NEWS! English Schools WON’T now be forced to become Academies

The Education Secretary has announced that plans to make all English high schools become Academies to be scrapped Education secretary Nicky Morgan has confirmed that the Government is standing down on their decision to make all English schools into Academies in a huge u turn set to please a lot of parents and teachers across […]

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Keeping Your Kids Safe Online – What you can do today

How to ensure your children are safe on their phone or tablet The age at which children have access to a smartphone or tablet is dropping fast as they become a normal part of family life. Even games consoles – devices that parents think are safe such as the Nintendo 3DS and PlayStation Vita – […]

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Benefits Of Playing Games With Children

Benefits of playing games with your children We all know that children love to play but actively playing with your children, rather than just leaving them to their own devices, can have an extremely positive impact on their development. This is the case throughout their childhood too, not just in their younger years. Improve numeracy […]

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How Tall Will Your Child Be?

Ever wondered how tall your child will be when they grow up? If you’re like me one thing people always say about your kids (and their own) is ‘aren’t they tall – they’ll be huge when they’re older’. I was always told that you should double their height at age 2, but apparently not! According […]

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Nearly Half of Parents Admit to being Piggy Bank Robbers!

46% of parents admit to occasionally raiding their children’s piggy bank to cover costs of taxis, takeaways, parking and window cleaning A Nationwide Savings survey of 2,000 parents in the UK has revealed that nearly half of parents of children aged between 4 and 16 years old said that they have taken cash from their […]

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School Children On Strike Over SATS Exams!

School children across England are on strike today in row over SATS exams for 6 year olds School children of 6 and 7 years old are on strike across England today in protest against SATS exams. The controversial exams have caused widespread upset amongst parents and teachers alike, leading to a petition against the exams getting […]

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Parents taking Kids out of School in Term Time Court Cases Thrown Out

Parents being prosecuted for taking their kids on holiday in term time have had their cases thrown out of court in landmark ruling Two couples were facing trial after Swindon Borough Council accused them of failing to secure regular attendance for their children because they had taken them on holiday during term time. One of […]

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Children at events – should there be a shuffle in seats?

Children at events – should there be a shuffle in seats? Should there be special seating plans for children going to concerts, cinema and theatre? We pay a lot of money to take our children to their favourite events and a lot of the time their viewing is restricted and it spoils the experiance for […]

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Social services remove child due to bleed on the brain

Social services remove child due to meningitis Were they right to do this?   Parents John and Donna, from Doncaster, first took their 6-month-old daughter Isabella to see a doctor when she was three months old after noticing head swelling. They were told their daughter just had a large head. John and Donna told the […]

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The truth about ibuprofen in chicken pox

The truth about ibuprofen in chicken pox You may have seen this a lot in the press lately but is it just scaremongering? I used to work in a pharmacy before I started Ashleigh Money Saver as my full time job, so after some careful digging through all my old training manuals and trusted medical […]

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A Mums Warning To Parents

This mums warning to parents is just heartbreaking A mum has warned parents not to kiss their babies on the lips after a coldsore nearly killed her daughter. New mam, Claire Henderson, posted a heartfelt update on Facebook after her newborn daughter was kissed on her lips while they had coldsores. Luckily the new mum spotted […]

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