
This Mother From Sunderland Has Revolutionised Prom Season

The Prom Loan Lady- Sunderland’s own Fairy Godmother? One woman from Sunderland is revolutionising this prom season with an astounding charitable act. Since the tradition of having prom came over from the American collegiate system, it has been rapidly adopted by schools all over the UK. With the average prom spending coming in at over […]

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Are You Unknowingly Making Scammers Rich?

I have come across a lot of my friends doing this on Facebook and I bet all of them have no idea it’s scammers… But are you unknowingly making scammers rich? Scammers will make a random named Facebook page that they think people may ‘like’ such as ‘Do you ever go into a room and […]

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WhatsApp and Facebook data sharing – How to opt out

WhatsApp and Facebook data sharing – How to opt out When Facebook bought Whatsapp they promised everyones data would be entirely private, but, here we are! To cut a long story short, everything you do on Whatsapp will be passed over to Facebook so that they can target ads specifically to you and your tastes. […]

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98 Facts Facebook Know About You

98 Facts Facebook Know About You Mark Zuckerberg, creator of Facebook, has revealed 98 ‘data point’ the social media site knows about you. They use the information for advertising. Depending on the information collect you will be shown averts which you will probably be interested in. A Facebook spokesman talked about how they want the […]

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Disability benefits assessor suspended after mocking claimants

Disability benefits assessor suspended after mocking claimants And it was on Facebook for everyone to see… Sarah Goldstein, 24, suffers from  fibromyalgia, Raynaud’s phenomenon, chronic anxiety, migraines and depression. Sarah made her first appeal for Personal Independence Payments (PIPs) in October 2014 but was turned down so she reapplied at the end of 2015. A nurse working […]

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Jobs Board

How to find a job on Facebook

How to find a job on Facebook We know we waste far too much time on Facebook, soaking up memes of angry cats and commenting on our friend’s lunch, but did you ever think about getting a job through the world’s biggest social network? Yes LinkedIn is the professional social network, but it’s not quite […]

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Why You Shouldn’t Announce Your Holiday On Social Media

Ever wondered why you shouldn’t announce your holiday on social media… It could end up being a pretty costly mistake! I often see people sharing ‘countdown to holiday’ posts – You’re excited and understandably so, but you could have just made one huge mistake. Not just for the obvious reason, letting people know your house […]

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Facebook are making some big changes…

Facebook are making some big changes… You may stop seeing posts from us because of this  *cries* So, Facebook have announced they are going to be making some big changes to their news feed and what people see. You will see more updates from friends and family, more funny pictures and more Live Facebook videos […]

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Be careful what websites you use when logged into Facebook

Be careful what websites you use when logged into Facebook This is quite scary how much information Facebook can get on us! If you visit websites you would rather keep quite or secret, you know what I mean, then make sure you log yourself out of your Facebook account before you use them websites… Facebook […]

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Cool new Facebook feature

Cool new Facebook feature Because ‘likes’ are so yesterday! Do you use Facebook messenger? I love it for its ability to have a group chat with your friends, it is much easier to make group get togethers and plans when you’re all in one group. You can press the thumbs up button to ‘like’ something […]

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Fined or jailed for posting photos of your kids on Facebook

Fined or jailed for posting photos of your kids on Facebook This can actually happen in France but should it happen here in the UK? According to the French government’s notoriously strict privacy laws, parents could be slapped with thousands of pounds in fines – or even a prison term – for posting any intimate […]

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Facebook May Be Posting All Of Your Photos

Facebook May Be Posting All Of Your Photos Did you know that there is an option on Facebook that allows access to all of your photos? Once you have taken a photo Facebook automatically posts it on your account and many people don’t know. People started to find out about this problem when they would […]

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Warning to all parents on Facebook

Warning to all parents on Facebook Teenage girls stalked Mums Facebook page in a plot to kidnap her child. Shantel Ullah told The Sun how she was contacted on Facebook to say she had won a competition on a Facebook page and asked for her contact details so they could post the prize to her. Shantel […]

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New Facebook Scam…

New Facebook Scam… I have been contacted by one of our followers who was very nearly scammed on Facebook this week… Social media scams are getting more frequent with many people scammed every day. I was contacted by one of our followers this week who asked some advice as she believed someone was trying to […]

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