
Should smoking be banned in playgrounds and parks?

Should smoking be banned in playgrounds and parks? A mother has started a petition regarding this… Mother Annie Dressner was in a public park with her daughter when a woman started smoking near her daughter. This act inspired Annie to start the petition to ban smoking in playgrounds and parks. Smoking is currently banned in enclosed […]

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DWP makes shocking admission…

DWP makes shocking admission… But I think most of us knew this already… Labour have said the changes to Universal Credit for working people could cost 2m families £1,600 a year. The government has warned that almost 60,000 working people could lose out after impending changes to Universal Credit. The new benefits system is supposed […]

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Rise in tax on the horizon

Rise in tax on the horizon We are also to expect cuts in public spending George Osbourne has been talking to Radio 4 and told them ‘”We are in a prolonged period of economic adjustment in the UK, we are adjusting to life outside the EU and it will not be as economically rosy as […]

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Insurance & Motoring

Pass Plus driving training discount

Pass Plus driving training discount However, not every area applies for this… If you live in selected parts of the UK then you could be eligable for help towards paying the cost of Pass Plus driving lessons. It is thought the discount could be around £75 – sounds great! According to the Direct Gov website […]

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School Children On Strike Over SATS Exams!

School children across England are on strike today in row over SATS exams for 6 year olds School children of 6 and 7 years old are on strike across England today in protest against SATS exams. The controversial exams have caused widespread upset amongst parents and teachers alike, leading to a petition against the exams getting […]

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Money Saving

How much can you save by switching to an electric vehicle?

How much can you save by switching to an electric vehicle? I was pretty surprised at what I found out during my time with an electric vehicle… How much do you know about electric vehicles? Not much? No, me neither, up until last year that is… When Go Ultra Low, the government-backed campaign to promote […]

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Poor women substituting tampons with socks and old newspaper

Poor women substituting tampons with socks and old newspaper Unfortunately this is true it has been revealed today Christian organisation, Darlington Citadel in County Durham, have started a hashtag in order to raise awareness on the issue, #beggingforatampon The Salvation Army branch is encouraging people to appeal to Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt to reconsider the price […]

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Sunday Trading Laws

The plans to overhaul Sunday trading laws in England and Wales have been rejected by MPs What do you think about this? The government had hoped to relax existing restrictions on Sunday trading, which limit large shops to opening for a maximum of six hours, by devolving responsibility to local councils. Currently, large stores in England and […]

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Your child could be entitled to free home to school transport.

Your child could be entitled to free home to school transport. Would this help you out? Do you have a school aged child? Did you know that they could be entitled to free home to school transport? Lot’s of people aren’t aware of the government run scheme and therefore haven’t thought to apply but I […]

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The Budget – What You Need To Know

Here are the key points from today’s Budget… Click here to find out here if you will be better or worse off… How will these changes affect you? Pay National Living Wage announced for over 25 year olds starting at £7.20 per hour next year and rising to £9 by 2020. Public sector – 1% pay rise Increase […]

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‘Rich’ Council Tenants To Pay More Rent

There is to be a crackdown on ‘rich’ council tenants. ‘Rich’ council tenants to pay more rent under new rules. According to Sky news, George Osborne is set to announce these new plans, which are, anyone earning over £40,000 in London or £30,000 outside the capital will lose  benefits and have to pay the full market rent. […]

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