Jobs Board

Get ready to shine at interview time

Get ready to shine at interview time Great news – you’ve been selected for an interview! Your CV has done the trick, and your covering letter clearly wowed the employer. Now for the next step – the interview. You can never be too prepared for your first meeting with your potential employer. The first thing […]

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Always read your CV before you hand it out…

Always read your CV before you hand it out… Why? Spelling mistakes, typo’s, porn… Your CV is your first impression to the company you would like to work for and it’s always a good idea to have a top notch CV to ensure you make a really good first impression. But what do you do […]

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Jobs Board

5 CV tweaks to get an interview

5 CV tweaks to get an interview If you have sent out hundreds of CVs and you’re not getting a response, it’s time to get real and take a good long look at your CV. Print it out, look at it carefully and get out the red pen. Sometimes you can uncover simple issues that […]

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Jobs Board

How to find a job on Facebook

How to find a job on Facebook We know we waste far too much time on Facebook, soaking up memes of angry cats and commenting on our friend’s lunch, but did you ever think about getting a job through the world’s biggest social network? Yes LinkedIn is the professional social network, but it’s not quite […]

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Jobs Board

Unconventional job hunting strategies that work

Unconventional job hunting strategies that work It’s a Herculean task to find a job in the current climate and you know there are sometimes thousands of applicants for every meaningful position. So how can you take yourself out of the race to the bottom and put yourself in pole position for a new job? Well, […]

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Jobs Board

How to use LinkedIn to boost your job search

How to use LinkedIn to boost your job search Social media platform LinkedIn is a useful resource for any job-hunter. LinkedIn has 17 million users in the UK and 332 million users worldwide. While that may not match the reach of Facebook, it has the distinct advantage of primarily being a business tool. The average […]

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Jobs Board

Body language tips for your job interview

Body language tips for your job interview When you are getting ready for that big job interview, your clothes are pressed and you’ve rehearsed some likely questions, consider this fact: just 40% of your communication is spoken. Body language tells an experienced interviewer far more than your mouth ever can. Your body language gives away […]

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