Insurance & Motoring

How safety modifications might increase your car insurance

How safety modifications might increase your car insurance There are some pretty terrifying statistics out there when it comes to road accidents, so you might be forgiven for thinking that your insurance company would want to help you out if you take steps to make your vehicle that bit safer on the road. Unfortunately, you […]

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Money & Finance

Is car insurance about to get more expensive?

Is car insurance about to get more expensive? Just when you thought it was safe to go back to the forecourt and get yourself a shiny new car, it turns out that UK motorists are likely to be hit with a hefty increase in the cost of car insurance policies in George Osborne’s next budget. […]

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Ice Bucket Challenge Donations Leads To A Breakthrough

Ice Bucket Challenge Donations Leads To A Breakthrough The charity stunt, known as the ice bucket challenge, funded ALS research through donations from participants. This research carried out, led to the discovery of a new ALS gene. The Ice Bucket Challenge was a viral craze in the Summer of 2014. The challenge was to pour […]

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