Shopping, Discounts & Vouchers.

Asda Is Selling A Unicorn Yogurt And It’s MAGICAL

ASDA shoppers! Make way for the new unicorn yogurt on the block With unicorns being all the hype with the entire nation, ASDA has launched a Muller unicorn yogurt called Unicorner and it truly is magical! The yogurt is strawberry flavored whilst the ‘magical crunchy balls’ are silver, encouraging the eater to create unicorn designs […]

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Shopping, Discounts & Vouchers.

Muller Have Released New Limited Edition Brownie Batter Rice!

Do you love a good Muller Rice and are a little bit addicted to chocolate brownies too? Then you’ll love the brands new limited edition dessert. The new Brownie Batter flavour pudding is perfect for chocolate lovers. The great thing about the new Muller pudding is that unlike most chocolate brownies, the dessert is low […]

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