Jobs Board

5 CV tweaks to get an interview

5 CV tweaks to get an interview If you have sent out hundreds of CVs and you’re not getting a response, it’s time to get real and take a good long look at your CV. Print it out, look at it carefully and get out the red pen. Sometimes you can uncover simple issues that […]

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Jobs Board

Six killer tips for writing the perfect CV

Six killer tips for writing the perfect CV Regardless of whether you’re looking for part-time or full-time employment, your ability to obtain a job primarily comes down to the strength of your CV. It is estimated that the average recruiter spends just six seconds looking at a CV before getting an initial feel of whether […]

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Jobs Board

Three things to leave off your CV

Three things to leave off your CV A study of recruiters using eye-tracking behaviour software has shown that recruiters spend a mere six seconds making their initial evaluation of a CV. Space on your CV is limited and you want to make sure that everything on there is adding real value to your application. You […]

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