
Should single mothers be entitled to a break?

Should single mothers be entitled to a break? Personally, I see no problem with it but one mum disagrees… We all need a break once in a while. Usually once every month or two, my husband and I will pack the kids off to Grandma & Grandad’s house so we can have a date night […]

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What Coca Cola does to your…

What Coca Cola does to your… Penis Yes, really! Coca Cola has major effects to your manhood! Do you drink too much Coca Cola? You may want to think twice after research has shown the popular fizzy drink can have unwanted affects to your penis. How does this save you money I hear you ask? […]

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Why babies are now sleeping in cardboard boxes

Why babies are now sleeping in cardboard boxes This tradition dates back to 1930 in Finland however it is now sweeping the globe and looks set to become a new trend… A hospital in West London has become the first in the UK to give parents so-called “baby boxes”. Since the 1930’s expectant mothers in […]

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British Gas lose 224,000 customers – should you leave too?

The competition amongst the energy firms heat up… British Gas lose 224,000 customers – should you leave too? British Gas, the country’s largest gas and electricity supplier said it lost 224,000 residential customers, or 1.5% of home supply accounts, in the first three months of the year. It said its overall residential accounts fell to […]

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The most unpopular baby names of 2016

Did you make the list of the most unpopular baby names of 2016? It’s bad news for Dereks, Carols and Nigels… Parenting advice website BabyCentre created the list of the most unpopular baby names for 2016 from their registration data and found these results… Boys Bertram Cecil Clarence Clive Cyril Dean Dennis Derek Duncan Earnest […]

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Could you be risking your life for energy drinks?

Could you be risking your life for energy drinks? This comes after a man died from his energy drinking intake… How many people do you know who struggle to get through their day without at least one energy drink? There are hundreds of versions on the market, and lots of my own friends often start […]

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Sneaky supermarkets selling shrunken groceries

Sneaky supermarkets selling shrunken groceries Research by consumer group Which? suggests some brands of toilet rolls, biscuits and fruit juices have shrunken in size. It has now came to light that supermarket groceries are sneakily being sold in smaller quantities without a reduction in price. The research revealed: McVitie’s Digestives dark chocolate biscuits have decreased […]

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11,000 BHS jobs at risk

11,000 BHS jobs at risk Will this affect you or anyone you know? **Update** All 163 BHS stores will be holding closing sales over the coming weeks. The jobs of 8,000 members of staff are likely to go, while a further 3,000 jobs of non-BHS employees who work in the stores may also be at […]

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Crystal meth found in Kinder Egg

Crystal meth found in Kinder Egg That really was a surprise egg! Two brothers from the Drumachose area of Belfast, opened the Kinder Surprise egg they found hidden in a hedge, and it contained a bag of white powder. Luckily they were smart enough to hand the package to their dad who then passed it […]

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School bans energy drinks

School bans energy drinks Good move from the school or should the teenagers be able to choose what they want to drink? Headteacher Melvyn Lynch of Forfar Academy in Angus, Scotland has banned the high caffine energy drinks in his school. Any student seen drinking a can of fizz such as Red Bull, Monster, and Rock […]

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Snapchat users could be breaking the law…

Snapchat users could be breaking the law… Most don’t even realise they are doing anything wrong It is that serious, even the government have got involved and released a warning! Millions of people use Snapchat to send images and video clips which disappear after a set amount of time. If you take screenshots of Snapchat picture […]

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‘Serial returners’ putting pressure on retailers

‘Serial returners’ putting pressure on retailers Do you often order something online and then send it back? An estimated 30% of shoppers deliberately over-buy and subsequently return unwanted items, the survey found. For example you may buy a new dress and you order it in more than one size and keep the size that fits […]

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Woman gives birth live on Facebook

Woman gives birth live on Facebook Would you film your partner in labour and giving birth? I remember the videos Robbie Williams took when his wife was in labour and I thought they were so funny, I love his humour – however this proud new father took it to the next level… Fakamalo Kihe Eiki, […]

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Google bans payday loan ads

Google bans payday loan ads The search giant has banned adverts from controversial payday lenders Google supply many adverts on websites around the world, including mine here at Ashleigh Money Saver. If you were to click on an advert we get paid a few pence for your click – which is what allows me to […]

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