Money & Finance

Teach Your Kid To Manage Money With goHenry

The goHenry prepaid card makes pocket money simple and encourages your little ones to make good money habits! Sign up today, and get 2 months FREE! Do you give your child pocket money? Forget giving them the change from your purse, get your kid a goHenry card and teach them good money habits. Not only […]

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Eating out

Father’s Day Guide – For The One Who’s Got Everything

Is your dad really just a pain to buy gifts for? If he’s got more pairs of socks and slippers than he could shake a stick at, this is the gift guide for him. No footwear in sight. 1. Personalised Whiskey Glass  If he really does have everything, I bet he doesn’t have a whiskey […]

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Women loses custody of her 5 children

Women loses custody of her 5 children Not money saving but is this the first-of-a-kind case? A woman in Northumberland has had 5 children taken into care, a mix of her own children and step children. A family court judge concluded that she had caused them emotional harm. The judge said the woman had made unfounded […]

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Useful tips for new parents who are feeling the strain

Useful tips for new parents who are feeling the strain Anyone who says it’s easy being a new parent is probably not telling the whole truth. Nobody is supermum or superdad and at some point, everyone feels the strain of having a new baby in the house. Sleep deprivation is one of the main problems […]

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Putting up with the pain of pester power

Putting up with the pain of pester power You’ve either seen it, commented on it, or been part of it. It’s pester power – the small child who wants something right now, and won’t take no for an answer. It usually ends in meltdown for either child or parent, and it’s commonly seen in shops […]

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Bathing baby for beginners

Bathing baby for beginners Being a new Mam can be scary, I remember when I was bathing my son for the first time. I got my Mam to help me because I was so scared I would drop him or get water in his eyes. By the time I had my daughter it was second […]

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Term-time holiday court cases dropped

Term-time holiday court cases dropped A BBC investigation has found a number of councils have now dropped court cases, is this good news? You may remember the court case of father, Jon Platt, who refused to pay a fine after taking his daughter on a family holiday during term time. The court ruled that Jon was […]

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Hotspots For Term Time Fines!

Hotspots For Term Time Fines! The number of parents being fined for taking their children on holiday has trebled over the past three years and a record number of 50,414 penalty notices were issued in the last academic year! Parents who fail to get permission before removing their youngsters from school face a £120 fine per […]

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Garden hose warning for parents

Garden hose warning for parents We often use one to fill up our child’s paddling pool so we need to be super careful… 9-month-old Nicholas Woodger was sitting in his paddling pool waiting for mum Dominque to fill it up. To her horror, when Dominque sprayed Nicholas with the water in the hose, a stream of […]

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New dads can now stay overnight on maternity ward

New dads can now stay overnight on maternity ward What do you think of this new move? Ipswich Hospital has revealed it will now finally let the partners of new mums stay overnight at the hospital after their baby is born. The new policy has been introduced on all three of the hospital’s maternity wards […]

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Happy slapping warning

Happy slapping warning This warning goes out to all parents, please please please speak to your child about the dangers of this sick trend. It has become even more of a trend since a recorded happy slapping occurred against a 13 year-old boy called Tommy. More and more youngsters are filming happy slapping and shouting ‘doing […]

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Father wins high court ruling on term-time holiday

A father who refused to pay a fine for taking his daughter on holiday in term-time has won a legal challenge Father Jon Platt, from the Isle of Wight, was fined by the Isle of Wight Council after he took his daughter on a term-time holiday to Disney World, without permission from the school. Mr Platt […]

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Fines for parents who drop off children at school gates

Fines for parents who drop off children at school gates I have to say, I am all for this… Primary schools are banning parents from dropping children off at the gate in their cars and are using teachers as traffic wardens to fine offenders £100. If the same parent is caught 3 times then they […]

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Should women without kids be entitled to maternity leave?

Should women without kids be entitled to maternity leave? One author thinks that they should… 38-year-old Meghann Foye has wrote a book called ‘Meternity’ about a woman who pretends she is pregnant to take time off to figure out her life. Meghann recently said in an interview to New York Times ”The more I thought about […]

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