Baby & Toddler

Buying New Mum Essentials On A Budget

Have you got a baby on board? Whether you’re a mum-t0-be yourself, or a loved one is about to pop, buying those new baby must-have’s can be pricey! We’ve found the best deals around to make sure you can get everything you need for the new arrival, without spending a fortune. Changing Bags Under £50 […]

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Pregnant? Pee On An Ikea Advert To Prove It & Get A Discount!

Image: IKEA Are you currently pregnant and are wanting to start setting up your nursery ahead of your little bundle of joy’s arrival? Well IKEA have launched a (ahem) unique way to treat expectant mothers to a discount. IKEA have recently created a clever new advert which includes an image of a baby’s cot and […]

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Rise in teens smoking to have smaller babies

Rise in teens smoking to have smaller babies A recent survey has found these shocking results. The results of these surveys are absolutely heart breaking. When I found out I was pregnant, I quit smoking there and then, yes it was difficult but I didn’t want to risk my child’s health. Whether you choose to […]

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Money Saving Tips

How To Save Money On Maternity Wear

Trying to find an outfit to fit when you’re pregnant is difficult, the price of maternity wear is pretty steep too However, I have got my top tips to let you know how to save money on maternity wear I actually find the price of good quality maternity wear pretty steep, especially when you are […]

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If your name’s on this list you could be getting pregnant next year!

Study reveals the names of women most likely to get pregnant next year A new study, carried out by Closer magazine, has researched birth certificate data from 1987 and 1988 and worked out the most popular baby girl names during those years, as those babies are now 29 or 30 years old, and statistically most […]

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Too many vitamins during pregnancy can increase risk of autism

Chances of your child developing autism can be trebled by taking too many vitamins during pregnancy A new study has shown that expectant mums taking excessive amounts of Folic Acid and Vitamin B12 during pregnancy lead to an increased chance that their child will have developmental problems. Scientists in the US think that multi vitamins […]

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Newborn Babies Being Tested for Alcohol

Newborn Babies are now being tested for alcohol Newborn babies in Scotland are now being tested for alcohol in their system as fears grow over expectant mothers drinking whilst pregnant. Medics at the Princess Royal Maternity Hospital in Glasgow have started testing samples from babies to test for molecules of alcohol that stay in the […]

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Are E-Cigs Harmful In Pregnancy?

  Are E-cigs harmful in pregnancy?  According to a new research they could harm your unborn baby and are as dangerous as tobacco We often get approached to promote special offers on products and we’ve always stayed away from promoting e-cigs because it feels like we don’t know enough.  There has a new test been done […]

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