
Nearly 800 John Lewis Employees Losing Their Jobs!

Nearly 800 John Lewis Employees Losing Their Jobs! Due to the high-street store outsourcing and shifting the roles to other parts of the country, around 700 John Lewis jobs is being made redundant. The restaurant and home fitting sectors of the John Lewis brand are the area facing job losses. The store is moving 387 […]

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Post office strike on the horizon?

Post office strike on the horizon? Could there be a strike soon following a mass shake up within the Post Office? Around 80 post offices are set to be either privatised or closed in a huge shake up to the system. The Communication Workers Union (CWU) announced the plans today as it released a dossier […]

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When will your BHS store close?

When will your BHS store close? BHS are preparing to close their doors forever. This is not good news for all 164 stores across the country and the thousands of staff who will now be made redundant. The final day of BHS trading will be 20th August 2016. However, many stores will have closed their […]

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Asda To Make Redundancies

This is the worst news Asda staff could hear Asda to make redundancies after their competitors had a better Christmas period I have suffered from redundancy in the past so I know the fear Asda workers will be feeling right now. Asda are due to announce this week that they will be cutting hundreds of […]

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