
Warning after Kiddiecare website is hacked

Warning after Kiddiecare website is hacked Kiddiecare have said only a ‘small number’ of customers have been affected… A small number of customers received a “possible phishing communication” in the form of a text message from a website claiming to be a subsidiary of Kiddicare.com The text message invited the customer to take part in […]

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Rise in mobile phone scams

Rise in mobile phone scams There has been a rise in mobile phone scams. Follow my top tips to keep yourself safe… It seems there is a new story in the press every day about the latest mobile scam, it is very worrying and it can cost some people a lot of money. If you […]

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Keeping Your Kids Safe Online – What you can do today

How to ensure your children are safe on their phone or tablet The age at which children have access to a smartphone or tablet is dropping fast as they become a normal part of family life. Even games consoles – devices that parents think are safe such as the Nintendo 3DS and PlayStation Vita – […]

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Smyths recalls popular toy

Smyths recalls popular toy Spread the word amongst friends and family Smyths have issued an urgent recall notice for the 24V Turnado Drift and told customers to stop using it immediately. This products has been on sale since November 2015. Smyth’s say the toy has been recalled due to a potential mechanical and electrical fault. The […]

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Nutella jar causes fire

Nutella jar causes fire Yes, you did read the right! With summer on the way, these warnings are well worth knowing to keep your home safe. If a suns rays are reflecting off a mirror on to furniture then it could cause a fire. This happened a few times last year and London fire brigade […]

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Child Rescue Alerts

Child Rescue Alerts Register now, it could save a child’s life… After the terrible story in the news lately about the 2 year old girl who was kidnapped from a Primark store by 2 teenagers, I wondered if there ware any alert systems in place for finding missing children. It is a parents worst nightmare […]

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A parents worst nightmare

A parents worst nightmare I read this news story this morning and it scares me as a parent… A story has hit the headlines this morning which made me think of poor James Bulger 🙁 A three-year-old girl disappeared from Primark in my home town of Newcastle at around 5pm on Wednesday which sparked a […]

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An Important Read For All Parents On Facebook

This an important read for all parents on Facebook Paedophiles are making fake accounts to befriend parents This is very scary and a very good reason to not accept friend requests from anyone you don’t personally know. Paedophiles are making a number of different profiles to befriend the parents of youngsters in a bid to […]

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Ten Top Tips To Help Protect Yourself From Fraud

Ten Top Tips To Help Protect Yourself From Fraud Fraud comes in many forms, whether it be online con artists, scammers or fraudsters, there are plenty of people out there who are keen to get their mits on our money. Bank fraud is continuing to grow, and now more than ever we need to be […]

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Safety Tips For Online Dating

Safety Tips For Online Dating Staying safe online is very important when you’re using online dating site and apps. There are many good ideas about how to stay safe and here are a few of the best. Problems with meeting people online is people who ‘Catfish’.  Catfishing is where the person pretends to be someone […]

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Learn Baby CPR With This Campaign Video

Learn Baby CPR With This Campaign Video St John Ambulance has launched a new campaign video that will teach you baby CPR. The aim of the video is to help inform adults of what to do in the event of an emergency when a baby has breathing difficulties. The video uses nursery rhymes to teach […]

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Do You Have Any Plugs Like This?

Do you have any plugs like this? If you do, stop using them immediately! I have heard this is what a lot of the hover board plugs look like, an easy indicator that your hover boards will be one of the dangerous ones out there (although it could still be unsafe even if the plug […]

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Mobile Phone Warning From The Fire Brigade

There has been a mobile phone warning from the fire brigade on Facebook This came from South Yorkshire fire & rescue… Do you sleep with your phone under your pillow? Don’t! This is the message South Yorkshire fire & rescue are trying to send out after it seems a mobile phone set alight while on […]

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More Hoverboard Recalls

There have been even more hoverboard recalls these past few days The advice is to stop using them immediately. Hoverboards sold by major retailers such as Argos, Tesco and John Lewis have been recalled due to safety concerns. Hoverboards have been a very popular Christmas present this year, and I have countless friends sharing videos […]

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