This baby’s spray tan will make your day!

This baby’s spray tan will make your day!

Has anybody seen the ‘baby’s first spray tan’ photo that’s gone viral? Well one mother has shared her hilarious parenting fail moment on social media and it has already been liked over 100,000 times in just nine hours!

Gemma Colley, from the UK shared this picture on Facebook of her son who appears to have a 5 ‘o’ clock shadow.  His face has actually been fake tanned after his mother accidently breast fed too soon after having her spray tan!

Gemma writes: ‘From one Mum to another, I’d like to let you know about my epic fail of fails.’


Luckily, the tan must not of been too permanent because the next night she posted another photo of her baby looking a lot less tanned with the caption ‘evidence that tonight’s feed was less orange.’

She wrote: ‘Thanks for all the positive comments. I’m just another mummy trying to shed light on the adventures and misadventures of being a parent.”

If any of you new Mummys out there enjoy a spray tan, a barrier cream is advisable when feeding!

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