This new Dad’s open love letter to all women goes viral!

This new Dad’s open love letter to all women goes viral!

I have just stumbled across this open letter directed to all women which went viral, and It’s just too lovely not to share! US Jane The virgin actor posted this letter after the birth of his daughter Maiya and it could well be the most amazing thing you’ve ever read.

“Dear Women, (and any man willing to read this).

Please forgive me as I gently offer up this prayerful reflection about my experience as a man during the pregnancy, and birth of my daughter.


This is a love letter… A love letter to my wife, to my newborn daughter… and to you. I have never in my life witnessed such grace, such beauty, such intuition and instinct, such heroism and power, such prayerfulness and steadfastness, and such joy and happiness as I did these past 9 months.

I may have thought I loved my wife before… but I’m not exaggerating when I say I absolutely worship her now. Emily chose to make our little Maiya’s birth a ceremony of love, and all I could do was say thank you, thank you, thank you.. through tears and tears of gratitude.

If you’re a man reading this and you have a wife…take a second, stop and simply embrace her, tell her how grateful you are she exists, and let her know how honoured you are to be able to experience life with her. Let her know you trust her intuition and that she is perfect. If you’re a woman reading this… look in the mirror, stare into your own eyes and know that you have EVERYTHING you will ever need right in front of you… it’s already inside you, and you are amazing and capable of literally anything.

Know that anything a man can do you can do (and probably better) and there are things that you can accomplish in this life that a man could never even dream of… because they were destined to be accomplished by you. So if you see a glass ceiling, know that it’s only there so you can shatter it.

Know that you are beautiful just as you are… and you my dear, are more than enough. You are perfection.

These are the words I pray my little Maiya will hear throughout her life from not just me, but from all the men in her world. This is my prayer of gratitude and hope for all women. This is a reflection of a humbled and awe struck man who had the bounty of witnessing the power, the supremacy, and the radiance of the feminine.

This is simply a love letter, a letter of love, and a letter filled with love from a new father to anyone who needs to hear or read this.

If that’s you, just know… I love you.



CLICK HERE to read this Mothers hilarious letter to her kids!

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