Thousands of children set to miss out on Primary School places.

Thousands of children set to miss out on Primary School places.

It has been reported in the news today that a shocking number of families are bracing themselves for disappointment when it comes to finding out where their four-year-olds will be going to Primary School.

It’s a big day today for over 600,000 families today as they find out where their little ones will be going to school. However, it is estimated that about 80,000 will not get their chosen places.

ITV reports: ‘Many families won’t get their first choice and some will have to travel further than they want to every day just to see their children take up a place at all.

It’s details like this that matter hugely to families and define their children, and details like this that are directly affected by national politics.

This is the day politics gets personal.’

The news comes after the Government’s plan was revealed to convert all schools into academies. This of course means that councils will lose the power to created new places for pupils. Critics feel that this will only make the problem worse.

What’s worse is that government figures predict that there will be a rise of almost 880,000 pupils in 2023.

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