Thousands Of New Mothers Forced Out Of Work!
In the news today it is being reported that tens of thousands of new mothers are being fired from or forced to quit their jobs due to workplace discrimination.
According to the Equality and Human Rights Commission, their research suggests that one in ten women surveyed had been sacked, made redundant or treated so badly that they felt they had no other choice but to leave.
The research shows that 10% of women were sacked, made redundant or made redundant or treated so badly that they had to quit.
33% of employers refused to disagree that pregnancy puts an ‘unreasonable burden’ on business.
50% of new mothers given fewer opportunities to progress.
However what’s possibly even worse than this shocking revelation is that the research also shows that a fifth of the women had experienced harrassment or negative comments from colleagues or managers either whilst pregnant or once they had given birth.
ITV news has today reported: ‘The study, carried out in conjunction with the government’s Business Department, interviewed more than 3,200 women on their experiences in the workplace as a new parent.
Other findings include:
- 10% said they were treated worse by their employer upon returning to work
- 7% said they were put under pressure to hand in their notice
- 5% were given a pay cut or a lower bonus’
General secretary of the TUC union, Frances O’Grady, accused companies of being “in denial” over the scale of anti-pregnancy discrimination.She also called on the government to waive the current £1,200 fee women face if they want to pursue a pregnancy discrimination claim.
I for one find this research extremely worrying and I think it highlights levels of discrimination women face in some work places.
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