Top extreme couponing tips that will save you loads

Top extreme couponing tips that will save you loads

Smart people know that the way to shave tons off grocery and other bills is by using the mountains of coupons retailers are literally throwing at us and practically begging us to use. With online grocery shopping rising among the big players, electronic coupons are now starting to make inroads.

In fact, at a time of enormous cut-throat competition between major retailers, now is probably a better time than ever to take advantage of the enormous savings to be made by using coupons. Some retailers are so conscious of discount stores eating into their sales that they’re even giving out – in receipts and by email – price comparison coupons showing what you would have saved had you shopped elsewhere, and giving you the money off your next shop.

Couponing makes money saving easy, at the end of the year you can have much more in the bank than had you not bothered – several thousand more if you do it right. So here are a few top extreme couponing tips to help you out:

1. Laser-like focus. Think about coupons all the time – even dream about them at night. Keeping a solid focus on coupons will ensure you pick up as many as possible, whether in papers, in-store or in so-called junk mail that could actually be quite valuable. Have a special place where you store them, so they’re not scattered all over the house – we suggest a folder, bag or wallet.

2. Critical timing. Choose the time when you use your coupons wisely – that’s because retailers are always changing their discounts, and especially so with supermarkets. If you think an item is a bit pricey now and might be cheaper in the next week or two, hold off a while and see, always being mindful, however, of the expiry date on your coupons. Then strike when prices drop and you’ll enjoy even bigger savings.

3. Stocking up. Just because you don’t need two, three or even more of the same product right now, go ahead and buy them up anyway, if they’re on special offer and you have coupons. You’ll be making big money savings and won’t have to go shopping for the same things for a good while.

Why waste money when you can save a fortune with coupons?

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