Unconventional job hunting strategies that work
It’s a Herculean task to find a job in the current climate and you know there are sometimes thousands of applicants for every meaningful position. So how can you take yourself out of the race to the bottom and put yourself in pole position for a new job?
Well, there are a number of different tactics that you can employ to sidestep the battle royal for the advertised position. Here are just a few:1. Cold callingIt can be scary to pick up the phone, but if you simply get in touch with every company in the region that you might ever want to work for, you could well be surprised. At the very least you’ll get a solid connection with the HR manager and if a job does come up, even if they don’t reach out to you, you can skirt the application pile and contact them direct.
Be methodical, make a huge list and set yourself targets of companies to call in a day. You will get rejected and sometimes it will be harsh, but by the time the 20th person has put the phone down on you, you’ll be immune to it. Keep going, it will help hone your technique and you’ll find people get more and more receptive to your pitch. If you talk to 50 people a day, you have a good chance of being employed by the end of the week.
2. Attend industry events
If you can get in front of the right people at trade shows or industry events, you’re in with a chance. It shows you’re committed to finding work and to the industry, and it shows you’re prepared to get out there and network face to face. That puts you ahead of 90% of job hunters.
Again, go with a plan and make sure you speak to literally everybody with a stand. You never know who you will speak to and it might be that a connection made at the show turns into a job six months down the line.
Follow up with an email or phone call, too.
3. Use LinkedIn Professional Services
LinkedIn has groups for job hunters, so make sure your profile is up to date. You can also get a free month of LinkedIn Navigator, too, which allows you to message HR bosses and managers directly.
If you do your research carefully, you’ll get access to great contacts, so use it wisely and LinkedIn could be a great way to find your next job. You could even send out an advert if you have specialist skills.
4. Find a mentor
You would be surprised how willing some of the pillars of community are to give back, so if you show the right attitude and approach them with respect on LinkedIn or in other places, you might strike it lucky.
If you have a specific set of skills, an elder statesman, or woman, might take kindly to you and then they can ask their contacts on your behalf. Social proof of this kind can be enough to secure your dream job, so it’s really worth thinking about as a strategy.