Want To Earn Money And Be On TV?

Do you want to earn money and be on TV?

This could be your chance at fame!

ET Casting have been in touch with us and asked us if any of our wonderful fans and followers would like the chance to be on TV and earn themselves a huge amount of money?
ET Castings often send us paid casting opportunities so keep an eye on this post where they will all be sent to. In the past we have helped cast for adverts such as KFC and Emmerdale.
This is the briefing…

We are currently looking for lots of people (London based – within M25) who visit McDonalds between 11pm-6am on a regular basis to feature in a TV advert!

Successful applicants will earn £500 – £1000 each. No acting experience necessary! 

You can be a McDonalds 24hr customer for any reason at all… You might work in emergency services, be a 24 hour tradesman, or work for TFL. You could work in London hospitality or a hospital! You could be a baker, a croupier, a florist, a flight attendant, a DJ, a cabbie…you may be a real family who swing buy McDonalds after a late/early flight when you’re travelling Or a real couple who stop off for a burger after the theatre or a group of friends who can find themselves having a late night meal after a gig – the list goes on!

– You must be over the age of 16

– You must not have a criminal record

– You must be available to meet us in person or Skype with us between 28th Jan – 7th Feb 2016.

– You must be available for filming for a few hours on a night between the 15th-18th Feb 2016.

If this isn’t you but you know a McDonalds late night / early morning customer please make sure you let them know about this opportunity.

For an easy application process please go to the McDonald’s submission link on our ‘Casting Calls’ page: http://www.etcasting.com/pages/events OR if you would prefer to email us directly please email [email protected] before Wednesday 27th January 2016 with:

– Your full name and age

– Your contact number and location

– Your occupation

– A current photo of yourself

– When you go to McDonalds (roughly time of night/early morning) and why you go at this time?

– Do you go on your own or with someone else?

– What do you usually order from the McDonalds menu?

– Do you have any food allergies?

Due to the nature of this project, our client has specified that we cannot consider anyone who is represented by an agent or has ever featured as an actor or extra in anything previously. We are looking for people with absolutely NO acting experience.

We look forward to hearing from you!
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