WhatsApp Messages Now Encrypted, What Does This Mean?

WhatsApp Messages Now Encrypted, What Does This Mean?

If you are an active WhatsApp user then you may have received a notification informing you that your messages are now encrypted, but like me, you may have been wondering what this means.

Well basically, you will have received a message informing you that end-to-end encryption is now on.

It basically adds extra security for its users and makes messages unreadable if they are intercepted by criminals or law enforcement. 

Messages will be scrambled as they leave the sender’s device and can only be decrypted by the recipient’s device.

Whatsapp, which has a billion users worldwide, said file transfers and voice calls would be encrypted too.

This is being viewed as a big breakthrough in security for the app and until now, only text – based messages sent in one to one conversations were encrypted in WhatsApp.

Both Android and iOS will be covered by the encryption.

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