WhatsApp to be discontinued on these devices.
WhatsApp recently announced that they were celebrating their seventh birthday with one billion active users! However, with this announcement came some bad news for some of us.
The app has now announced that it will be discontinued on Blackberry and Nokia devices.
WhatsApp have said: ‘Upgrading to a newer Android, iPhone, or Windows Phone” if you want to keep on using the service — if not, you’ll need to find another messaging service by the end of the year, when the app will be officially discontinued on the older platforms.’
Apparently the company have a seven year plan to focus on mobile platforms that the vast majority of people use.
When the app first launched, Blackberry and Nokia commanded around 70 percent of devices in 2007, but this has since shrunk to less than one percent.
Apple, Google and Microsoft now account for 99.5 percent of smartphones sold globally.
Blackberry users are fighting back and an online petition has been set up in an attempt to change these plans, although it is unlikely that the company will be re-thinking anytime soon.