Where Is The Best Place To Raise A Family In The UK?

Where Is The Best Place To Raise A Family In The UK?

Schools, weather, GPs, Broadband are just some of the factors taken into account for uSwitch to decide where the best place to live in the UK is.

Taking into account all of the factors, Hertfordshire has been named the best place to raise a family in the UK. Whereas, North and East Ayrshire have been name the worst by uSwitch.

Due to excellent GCSE results, good working pay, above average weather and good broadband, Hertfordshire would be an ideal place to raise your family.

With Cambridgeshire taking second and Bedfordshire coming in third, the top three are all located in the east of England.

Hertfordshire has the third best employment rate in England with 81% of 16-64 year-old employed. The average yearly salary with just under £33,500. The area has an average of 38Mbs download speed and has the best exam results in the UK, with 64% of pupils pass 5 or more GCSE’s, this includes English and Maths.

East and North Ayrshire, located in Scotland, came in last place. This is due to their high crime, low GCSE results, low pay and more. The GCSE results here, are only 35% of pupils pass 5 or more subjects, including English and Maths, and only 67% of those aged 16-64 are employed.

The average yearly salary here is considerably less that the best place to live the the UK. The average is just under £27,000, this is £6,000 less than Hertfordshire.

The worst place to live in England was Leicester, coming in second worst in the UK. Taking in to account their unemployment rate, fourth worst in the UK, their high council tax, few primary schools and poor exam results, it wouldn’t be the best place to raise a family.

49% of people currently living in Leicester would consider moving to improve living, and 43% feel their location gives their child a worse start to life that other places.

Spokeswoman, for uSwitch.com money, Tashema Jackson says: “The Better Family Life Index shows that life is far from equal for families across the UK. Although there is much to celebrate in many areas, it’s not surprising that so many families are thinking about moving to a new region to improve their circumstances.”

“With the new government yet to announce its budgetary priorities it is vital that positive changes are made to help give all families fair opportunities no matter where they live – whether it is access to a good education, childcare, housing, GPs or jobs. Quality of life should not be a postcode lottery.”

The top 10 places to raise a family in the UK are:

  1. Hertfordshire
  2. Cambridgeshire
  3. Central Bedfordshire
  4. Warrington
  5. York
  6. Tyneside
  7. Norfolk
  8. Northumberland
  9. West Cumbria
  10. Calderdale and Kirklees

The Bottom 10 place to raise a family in the UK are:

  1. North Lanakrkshire
  2. Kingston Upon Hull
  3. Falkirk
  4. Sandwell
  5. Nottingham
  6. Clackmannanshire and Fife
  7. Isle Of Wight
  8. Glasgow City
  9. Leicester
  10. East Ayrshire and North Ayrshire Mainland

So, do you live in one of the best places to live or one of the worst?

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