Where To Get Breast Feeding Support In The UK

Where to get breast feeding support in the UK

It’s something most women think about, but where can they get support if they want or need it?

Not long ago, I put a video on my Facebook page of a woman being called ‘disgusting’ for breast feeding. It got a lot of you talking and you guys were saying that people shouldn’t be calling mothers simply for doing something so natural.

A lot of women choose to breast feed, others try but can’t for whatever reason – I was one of those women, as much as I wanted to breast feed my daughter, it just wasn’t happening and I remember feeling like a failure.

There are plenty of support groups out there for women to prepare them for breast feeding and once they have started – I wish I had known about them at the time of having my daughter.

  • Ask your midwife or health visitor for some one-on-one advice and support on breast feeding. They will be able to give you lots of helpful advice and tips. They can also sign post you to other agencies or organisations that may be able to offer you further help.
  • How about a breast feeding drop in centre? Not only will you pick up some great tips and advice, you’ll also meet other mothers in the same situation as yourself and you could make some great friends. Your midwife, health visitor and GP will be able to point you in the direction of some drop in groups or call the National Breastfeeding Helpline on 0300 100 0212.
  • The National Breastfeeding Helpline are great at offering advice and support on all things breast feeding. You can call them on 0300 100 0212
  • The Association of Breastfeeding Mothers is a charity run by  breast feeding mothers, giving friendly support and information to all women wanting to breastfeed. You can call them on 08444 122 949
  • The Baby Cafe is a breast feeding drop in, visit their website here and find your nearest drop in.
  • The Breastfeeding Network provides breastfeeding support and information for mothers and those involved in their care. You can contact them on 0300 100 0210

I hope this helps someone, if there is any support groups that I haven’t listed or you know of anything else then please get intouch and I will update the post and credit you 🙂

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