Would You Turn Up To Work If You Won The Lottery?
Would You Turn Up To Work If You Won The Lottery? It is a question that you have been asked at least once in your lifetime, but you never thought it would have actually come true. However, this actually happened to a group of bus drivers…
22 bus drivers from Dublin, Ireland decided not to go into work after they won a EuroMillion lotto ticket. They all put contributed to a EuroMillion tickets. They won €23.8 million, (£19.9 million). They split the winnings between them. The 21 senior drivers and 1 inspector won the Friday and then took the Monday off.
They were reportedly given the day off by the area manager, Gareth Quinn, who wished them “best of luck”. One employee also said that they won’t be back until later in the week. He also said if he had won, he wouldn’t have gone into work.
The National Lottery had confirmed that the winner had been in touch with them. They had this to say: “Ok, so we didn’t win the Euros, but we did win the EuroMillions! Ticket holder has been in touch!!” Adding a picture of a map indicating the winner was in/rear Dublin Ireland.
The local residents were thrilled about the drivers winning.
Tina Mooney, from Ballymun, said: “There’ll be no buses running today I’d say.”
“It’s great to hear that a big group of working class people have won it.”
“Fair play to them, if you’re not in it you can’t win it.”
“The people in Dublin Bus work hard, so I’m delighted for them.”
Patricia Kavanagh, from Meekstown, said: “It’s a lot of money alright so it’s good that it’s split between a few of them, they must be over the moon.
“It’s terrific to see 22 ordinary people become millionaires overnight.”
This is what they would do, if they won: “I’d look after my kids first of all, buy them a house and put money in the bank for when they’re older.
“The only thing is I hope my bus is still going to turn up today.
Dublin Bus Chief Executive Ray Coyne said: “I am delighted for each and every one of them and their families.
“It is great to see such a large number of our employees sharing in the win. We wish them all the best.”